Setup UH Login Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
For instructors and students at Honolulu Community College only.
Instructors and students will need a smart phone or a tablet to setup MFA with their UH account. Follow the detailed guide on how to complete the setup here - Getting setup for Multi-Factor Authentication. Once your device is registered, you should see a window appear like the screenshot below after you login. Select the ‘Remember me for 7 days’ checkbox and choose one of the authentication methods.
Please complete your MFA setup prior to the start of the Fall 2023 semester!
Apprentices Required to Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Good Afternoon,
Please forward the message below from the UH ITS department to your instructors and apprentices.
This is the link to set up Multi-Factor Authentication:
Getting setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) University of Hawaii System
- Click the link in the "How do I sign up for MFA" section (UH username and password required to login).
Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you.
(808) 282-0248
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Requiring Multi-Factor Authentication for UH Students, Faculty and Staff in Fall 2023
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 07:30:01 -1000
From: Information Technology Services <>
The US Department of Education Federal Student Aid Office has notified higher education institutions that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) amended their Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information (Safeguards Rule) component of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA).
As part of these updated GLBA requirements, and to protect personal information of consumers, Information Technology Services (ITS) will be requiring all active students, faculty and staff to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to access University resources. We plan to implement this change on October 2, 2023. This date avoids disruptions to the beginning of the Fall semester. Thereafter, MFA will become mandatory for all active students, faculty, and staff.
For more details on the changes to GLBA and how it impacts higher education institutions, see:
Updates to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Cybersecurity Requirements | Knowledge Center
The new GLBA requirements are beneficial. UH has been experiencing ongoing brute force and credential stuffing attacks* by cyber criminals attempting to gain access to your UH username. Since January 1, 2023 we have averaged 20.5 attacks a month, resulting in over 52,000 login attempts in which over 49,000 users have been targeted that resulted in 35 successful logins. Duo MFA provides additional protections from unauthorized access to your UH username. It has been available as an optional service since 2016.
Additional information will be sent out as the date of implementation gets closer. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please contact:
Honolulu Community College Schedule Change
On 09/29/22, we were notified by Honolulu Community College that there is an error on the Tuesday/Thursday School Calendars. The UH Master Calendar that we used to create these School Calendars initially did not include Election Day 2022 as a holiday. Corrected for this omission, the actual end date for Tuesday/Thursday classes is December 1 (not November 29). Revised calendar is posted below.
REVISED: 9/29/2022
Class Meets: 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. = 2 ½ Hour Sessions
AUGUST 9 11 16 18 7 Sessions 17.5 hrs.
23 25 30
6 8 13 15 9 Sessions 22.5 hrs.
20 22 27 29
End of 1st Quarter 16 Sessions 40. hrs
OCTOBER 4 6 11 13 8 Sessions 20.0 hrs.
18 20 25 27
NOVEMBER 1 3 10 7 Sessions 17.5 hrs.
Election Day: November 8, 2022
Thanksgiving Recess: November 24-26, 2022
End of 2nd Quarter 16 Sessions 40 hrs.
End of 1st Semester 32 Sessions 80 hrs.
JANUARY 10 12 17 19 7 Sessions 17.5 hrs.
24 26 31
7 9 14 16 8 Sessions 20.0 hrs.
21 23 28
MARCH 2 1 Session 2.5 hrs.
End of 3rd Quarter 16 Sessions 40 hrs.
MARCH 7 9 6 Sessions 15.0 hrs.
21 23 28 30
Spring Recess: March 13-18, 2023
APRIL 4 6 11 13 8 Sessions 20.0 hrs.
18 20 25 27
MAY 2 4 2 Sessions 5.0 hrs.
End of 4th Quarter 16 Sessions 40 hrs.
End of 2nd Semester 32 Sessions 80 hrs.
TOTAL FOR THE YEAR: 64 Sessions 160 hrs.
Immunization Records Instructions for UH
Records may be submitted using any of the below methods:
Fax: (808) 847-9829
UH File Drop:
Instructions for using UH File Drop are posted here:
Make indicate the following information on your records:
1. First and Last Name
2. Trade: Telecommunication (TC) OR Inside Wire (IE)
3. Training Program: Hawaii Electricians JAC (IBEW LU1186)
If you have any questions, please contact the HCC Admissions Office by phone (808-845-9129) or email (
Face Masks No Longer Required on UH Campuses After Friday, Sept. 16
Subject: Face masks no longer required on UH campuses after Friday, Sept. 16
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2022 08:00:54 -1000
From: Office of the UH President <>
Aloha students, faculty and staff,
The remaining face masks requirements on UH campuses and properties will be lifted after Friday, September 16. Masks are currently required in classrooms, shared laboratory spaces and confined educational spaces in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community.
The decision by UH leadership is based on the recommendation of our own medical and public health experts as well as the latest federal and state guidance. It recognizes that the rate of COVID-19 community transmission is no longer disrupting daily life and that most of the infections that are still occurring are not life-threatening and are not resulting in hospitalizations. UH will continue to remain highly vigilant, and COVID-19 restrictions may be quickly reinstated, if conditions change and warrant stronger measures.
As we move forward, please respect the choices of every individual to wear a face mask and please abide by signs that may be posted outside individual offices requesting that masks be worn for the protection of others. We have many in our community at higher risk due to personal health and underlying conditions, and we want to keep them safe and feeling secure on our campuses. In addition, masking is still strongly encouraged in crowded indoor spaces.
Please note that masking is required for those who have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or has contracted the virus. They must wear a mask for the duration of the 10-day isolation period. Someone who has been infected may return on day 6 if their symptoms are substantially improved and they have not had any fever in the preceding 24 hours.
Mahalo for all you have done to elevate our collective understanding of personal safety during this devastating pandemic. You have demonstrated our capacity to look beyond ourselves and to care for others.
These changes and other important information are reflected in the updated UH COVID-19 Guidelines.
E mālama pono!
David Lassner
UH President
No Smoking/Vaping on Campus
Subject: REMINDER: UH campuses are tobacco free
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 10:06:02 -1000
From: Office of Communications <>
Aloha UH ʻohana,
Please remember that the 10-campus University of Hawaiʻi System is tobacco free. Hawaiʻi state law, enacted in 2018, prohibits tobacco products including electronic cigarettes and vapes as well as cigarettes, cigars, pipes and all forms of smoking and chewing tobacco on UH campuses and properties. There are no designated smoking areas.
For more information and resources on becoming tobacco free, please visit
Mahalo nui loa,
UH Office of Communications
UH System COVID-19 Guidelines Fall 2022
From: Office of Communications <>
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2022 at 8:46 AM
Subject: Update to UH Masking Policy Effective Immediately
To: <>
Aloha UH students, faculty and staff,
In anticipation of the fall 2022 semester, and after consultation with our health advisors, we are updating our masking policy. Effective immediately:
Masking continues to be required indoors in:
Shared laboratory spaces
Tightly confined educational spaces, such as advising offices
Masking is highly recommended in all other indoor settings on campuses.
Individual campuses may also require masking in other indoor and outdoor venues. Examples may include situations with large numbers of people in close proximity or where it is anticipated that high numbers of higher-risk persons will be attending. Masking requirements will be posted at such venues and events.
These masking guidelines will be in effect from now through the first month of classes—until September 19. We will be consulting with our health advisors throughout this time and will announce any changes by that date. Please continue to monitor your email for updates.
The retention of this indoor masking requirement will help everyone safely begin the semester while all but one of our counties is at a “high” COVID-19 community level. This guidance also recognizes increasing face-to-face interaction this fall among students as well as employees who may have traveled recently from outside of the state.
As always, all members of the UH community are expected to respect the individual choices of others to wear masks even where not required.
Please refer to the UH COVID-19 Guidelines for more details on masking and other safety practices relating to protection of yourself and others from COVID-19.
Mahalo and best wishes for a safe, healthy and rewarding fall semester,
Office of Communications
IMPORTANT: Health Clearance Reminder
Attention Apprentices! The Honolulu Community College (HCC) has not received some of your completed Health Clearance Forms. Completed forms must be submitted to HCC before Fall 2022 semester begins or we will not be able to register you as an apprentice with HCC. We will be assessed a $10 late fee from HCC if we cannot register you in a timely manner which you will be obligated to pay back to the Training Fund. Please submit your completed Health Clearance Form to as soon as possible.
The State of Hawai’i Department of Health (DOH), the Hawai’i Administrative Rules, Chapter 11-157 requires all students to meet health requirements before they attend any post-secondary institution in the State of Hawai’i.
All students are to be free of:
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)
Varicella (chickenpox) and
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
The Health Clearance Form can be found at the link below.
Fall 2022 Parking Permits
Apprentices: $20/semester
Motorcycles: $10/semester
Apply online anytime at:
Replacement permits will be the full cost of the original permits.
HCC parking and driving regulations are enforced year round and violators will be ticketed. For more information:
NEW URL for HCC's Apprenticeship Website
From: James Niino <>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2022 11:25 AM
Subject: New URL for HCC's Apprenticeship Website
Good morning,
The new URL is: Apprenticeship & Journeyworker Training (
The look of our website has been freshened up and is formatted a bit differently. One big change is that unlike in the past when a password
(APPJOUR874!) was required to enter the Forms and Documents section, you will now need to login with your UH username and password to view the contents of that section which includes, among many other forms, payroll time sheets and facilities use request forms.
Please visit our site when you have the time and let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
(808) 282-0248
COVID-19 exposure, travel and boosters
Subject: Reminder: COVID-19 exposure, travel and boosters
Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 08:55:43 -1000
From: Office of Communications <>
Aloha faculty and staff,
As the State of Hawaiʻi is currently experiencing a surge of COVID-19 cases, we want to do all we can to ensure the health and safety of our campus communities. Please consider the following to help prevent the spread of the virus:
If you know you have been exposed to the virus, or begin to experience symptoms, please get tested (PCR or at-home antigen test) before returning to campus or UH facility, no matter your vaccination status.
If returning from personal or university-approved, out-of-state travel, it is strongly recommended that you take a COVID-19 test (PCR or at-home antigen test) within two days of return to the state and BEFORE returning to a UH campus or facility. It is also strongly recommended that a follow up test be taken on day five after your return.
Everyone is strongly recommended to be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccination that includes receiving the 1st booster shot, and 2nd booster shot, if eligible.
The 10-campus system will continue to provide recommendations and update guidelines—such as recently reinstituting the indoor mask requirement–-depending on the level of community transmission. The decisions will continue to be based on recommendations by UH medical and public health experts and the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Health.
Mahalo for your understanding and cooperation in helping prevent the spread of COVID-19, and doing your part to keep our community healthy.
Mālama pono,
Office of Communications
Indoor Mask Requirements - UH Campuses
Per UH/HCC requirements, ALL students must wear masks indoors.
University of Hawaii COVID-19 Guideline Changes
Aloha students, faculty and staff,
As of March 26, the University of Hawaiʻi 10-campus system is indefinitely suspending the UH COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policies for students and employees. Regular testing for COVID-19 will no longer be required of students and employees with approved vaccine exemptions. Testing will continue in the student residence halls until the end of the semester.
The UH Officers made the decision to suspend the policies based on guidance provided by the UH COVID-19 Health and Wellbeing Working Group (HWBWG), a team of UH medical and public health experts. The move reflects the latest COVID-19 guidance from the state and federal government.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines have proven to be highly effective at protecting vaccinated people against severe illness caused by the COVID-19 virus. The combination of vaccinations, boosters and exposure to the virus has built up immunity locally and nationally, resulting in fewer COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths. The CDC strongly recommends everyone to get vaccinated, and to stay up to date with their vaccination.
Updated UH COVID-19 Guidelines take effect March 26
The latest update to the UH COVID-19 Guidelines also take effect on March 26 and include the following requirements:
· Face masks indoors in classrooms, shared laboratories, other instructional spaces and tightly confined educational spaces, such as advising offices and in campus venues when the number of attendees is close to maximum capacity or if it is anticipated that high numbers of higher-risk persons will be attending (required until May 13, the end of the spring 2022 semester). Instructors or presenters may remove their masks while teaching, provided that they maintain 6 feet distance from others.
o Campus officials may further specify areas where face masks are required to enhance safety.
· For those returning to campus after quarantine or isolation, face masks must be worn around others in all settings, for the remainder of the 10-day period.
· If you test positive for COVID-19, stay home and isolate for at least 5 days (until you are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and your symptoms are improving).
· Full or Up-to-date vaccination for employees and students in specific UH programs or courses (i.e., medical, nursing, social work, dental hygiene, allied health, etc.) where they are embedded within partner institutions that require vaccination. Officers will determine which programs may require student, faculty, or patient vaccination status.
We strongly recommend that you stay home when feeling ill, whether with COVID-19 or not, to recover and prevent community spread.
The following are no longer required as of March 26:
· The daily COVID-19 health screening via the LumiSight UH health app.
· Face masks indoors (except as identified above)
· Face masks outdoors, including outdoor campus events.
· Visitors providing proof of vaccination or negative test results to access campus events.
· Uploading of negative tests for those students and employees with approved vaccine exemptions.
· Campus wide notification of positive COVID-19 cases reported on a UH campus
As we transition to personal responsibility for managing COVID-19 infections and exposures, individuals are strongly urged to report their cases/exposures to their designated campus official.
UH COVID-19 Guidelines and related policies are subject to change depending on the status of the pandemic. We will continue to work with the HWBWG in monitoring the conditions in Hawai’i. If needed, we will implement mitigation measures that may include vaccination or testing, expanded requirements for mask wearing, etc. Please see the UH COVID-19 Dashboards and the UH COVID-19 Response Based on CDC Community Level website for up-to-date information regarding our campuses.
Mahalo for your time and attention,
UH Officers
Ward Village Howard Hughes/Hawaiian Dredging Scholarship for Apprentices
From: James Niino <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 3:41 PM
Subject: Ward Village Howard Hughes/Hawaiian Dredging Scholarship for Apprentices
Good Afternoon,
Please distribute this scholarship announcement from Karen Lee, HCC's Interim Chancellor, to all of your apprentices. The application is very easy to complete and I believe that the chances of receiving the scholarship are quite high.
Your apprentices may apply via the Google Scholarship Application link or the attached paper/printed application form - strongly encourage them to use the link. Please collect any completed paper applications from your apprentices and send them to me by the deadline.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you.
(808) 282-0248
February 23, 2022
To all Honolulu CC Apprenticeship Students:
We have received a generous donation from Ward Village Howard Hughes and Hawaiian Dredging for scholarships to HonCC apprenticeship students in the school year 2021-2022. We realize that attending school, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, can be financially difficult for some students. If you have a financial need this semester and want to apply for this scholarship, please complete this simple application! Application: Scholarship: Ward Village Howard Hughes & Hawaiian Dredging (
DEADLINE: Friday, 3/11/22.
Karen C. Lee, Ed.D.
Interim Chancellor
Honolulu Community College
874 Dillingham Boulevard, Building 6
Honolulu, HI 96817
UH Paid COVID Testing Extended at Clinical Labs Hawaii (CLH)
Good Morning,
Please see below and forward to those who have COVID-19 vaccination exemptions and need to test regularly. Test results from Clinical Labs are loaded directly into Lumisight UH!
Instructions: Click the link in the message below and then the Make an appointment with CLH link on the website. Appointments are required. There are 14 CLH locations on Oahu (not all CLH sites are participating in this service). The "required order form" must be filled out and does not require a doctor's signature. UH ID and email are required. CLH administers PCR tests which are good for seven days (day of test included).
Please call me if you have any questions.
Thank you.
(808) 282-0248
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: UH Paid COVID Testing Extended
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2022 08:48:25 -1000
From: Monique Tingkang <>
Hi All,
The Clinical Labs contract for UH employees and students who are exempt from vaccination has been extended through February. Please see:
Please share as needed.
Monique Tingkang
Human Resources Manager & EEO/AA Officer
Phone: 808.844.2398 | Fax: 808.356.0704
874 Dillingham Blvd. | Bldg 6, 1st Floor | Honolulu, HI 96817
Student Centered, Student Focused
COVID-19 Testing
From: James Niino <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 5:10 PM
Subject: COVID-19 Testing
Good Afternoon,
Please pass the information below to your instructors and apprentices who have been granted COVID-19 vaccination exemptions (or have applied for exemptions). Again, they will need to test regularly (interval depends on type of test taken) and immediately upload their test results to their Lumisight UH accounts. We are counting on your assistance in monitoring these individuals to ensure that they are faithfully complying with this testing requirement.
Those with exemptions will need to search for free testing sites after the arrangement with Clinical Labs ends. Listed below is a list of testing sites as of last week. Some are free and others are not.
Thank you.
(808) 282-0248
Good Morning Everyone,
Just wanted to share that the UH COVID webpage says that Clinical Labs will provide free testing through the end of January 2022 for those of you who have employees and students who were granted vaccination exemptions:
Not sure what will happen after January but I'll let you all know if I hear that the free testing will continue beyond that time.
Monique Tingkang
Human Resources Manager & EEO/AA Officer
Phone: 808.844.2398 | Fax: 808.356.0704
874 Dillingham Blvd. | Bldg 6, 1st Floor | Honolulu, HI 96817
Student Centered, Student Focused
COVID-19 Testing Sites
Please contact COVID-19 testing site or clinic directly for more information.
Free Testing Site:
· Blaisdell Arena drive-thru testing
Must pre-register at or call (808) 207-5459 for more information.
· Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (past baggage claim 31)
Hours are daily, 9 am to 5 pm, including holidays. Pre-register under the City pre-paid section at Please call (833) 560-0997 for more information.
· Tom Moffatt Waikiki Shell
Online appointments and pre-registration is required by calling 808-207-5459 or /172/onsite
· Waianae Comprehensive Clinic drive thru
Monday to Friday 9 am to 10 am. Register for appointment at or call (808) 697-3170.
· Waipahu District Park
Everyday from 9:00 to 2:30 pm. Walk-ins welcome.
· Ala Moana Mauka Ewa Parking Structure 2nd Level
Thursday to Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. By appointment only. Register online at
· Valley of the Temples Shopping Mall
November 17 and 24 from 4 pm to 8 pm. Walk-ins welcome.
· Pearl City Shopping Center
Everyday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Register for appointment online
· Mililani Recreational Center #6
M, W, F, Sat and Sun 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Register for appointment online
· Free at-Home Covid-19 Tests. Learn more on to check eligibility.
Drive-Up Covid-19 Specimen Collection Sites:
· Kapi‘olani Medical Center: Appointments are recommended and walk-ins are welcome. Hours are Monday - Saturday, 8 am to 12 pm. Physician’s order is required. Visit to schedule appointment.
· Pali Momi: Appointments are required. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 8 am to 12 pm. Physician’s order is required. Visit to schedule appointment.
To get a physician order
· Call your primary care physician.
· You may call the Hawai‘i Pacific Health COVID-19 Virtual Clinic to be evaluated by a care provider who can order a COVID-19 test if clinically appropriate. Call (808) 462-5430 option 4.
Covid-19 Testing Sites:
· CVS Pharmacy: various locations on O‘ahu. By appointment only, must register on . No referral needed. If uninsured, in-clinic visit will be covered at no additional cost to you through the federal program. Must have an ID and social security number.
· Walgreens: Covid-19 drive thru testing, various Walgreens locations (Beretania, School St, Kailua, Waipahu & Wahiawa). By appointment only and must have vehicle, must register on . No referral needed. Walgreens is offering free COVID-19 testing at select locations for ages 3+ and uninsured.
Federally Qualified Health Care Centers:
· Kalihi Palama Health Center (808) 381-7009
· Kokua Kalihi Valley Clinic 791-9400
· Wahiawa Center for Community Health COVID-19 Hotline (808) 622-1619
· Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center COVID-19 Hotline (808) 697-3170. Free COVID-19 test available and no referral needed. Please call WCCHC for more updated information.
· Waikiki Health COVID-10 Hotline (808) 699-7180
· Waimanalo Health Center (808) 259-7948
Additional help
· Aloha United Way 2-1-1
· State of Hawai‘i COVID-19 CARES Line (808) 832-3100
· State of Hawai‘i COVID-19
· We Are Oceania COVID-19 Hotline (808) 913-1364
Hon CC Changes to COVID Restrictions
Subject: Hon CC Changes to COVID Restrictions
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 09:20:55 -1000
From: Hon CC Office of the Chancellor <>
Aloha Hon CC Students, Faculty and Staff:
Yesterday President Lassner announced changes to COVID-10 related restrictions in physical distancing that would be lifted, based on new State and County regulations.
We are excited to welcome more students back in person on our campus. As you know, our offices have remained physically and virtually open throughout the restricted time to give our prospective and current students access to as many services as possible, and we are thankful for the tremendous work done by our frontline staff and faculty. However, as we transition to lifting restrictions and as more students return to the campus, we want to ensure that the safety of everyone in our community remains a priority.
Per my earlier announcement, at Hon CC, we will adhere to 3-foot distancing in our classrooms, although there may be exceptions granted depending on the size and type of class. All individuals must continue to wear masks indoors. Those who are outdoors are not required to wear a mask, but we encourage it when in close proximity to others. The use of the LumiSight UH app to track vaccination status and the daily health check will remain as well. If any of you are not feeling well, please remain at home.
Together with the other UH campuses we will be monitoring the emerging Omicron variant and its impact on our community. We remain hopeful that we can provide more in-person activities and events in the near future, but we must all remain vigilant, making the health and safety of ourselves and others a priority, to make that happen! Thank you for all of your resilience and hard work during a challenging time.
Karen Lee
Karen C. Lee, Ed.D.
Interim Chancellor
Honolulu Community College
September 21, 2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Status Required for Spring 2022 Registration
Aloha UH students,
Although the fall semester has just begun, itʻs time to start planning ahead for the spring 2022 semester. All students who will be on campus in the spring semester are required to be fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus.
STAR registration carts will be available in October, with registration beginning in early November. In order to register for on-campus (including hybrid) courses, upload your COVID-19 vaccination card to the LumiSight UH daily health check app. If you have not yet started the vaccination process and would like to attend classes on campus in the spring, you still have time to meet the requirements before registration begins, so don’t delay. If you have not completed and uploaded your vaccine series or received an exemption, you will only be able to register for online classes.
You may request exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccination requirement for medical or religious reasons. Students who receive exemptions will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test weekly to be on campus. Exemptions should be submitted through the UH FileDrop system to your campus Student Health Services or Registrar's Office for review and approval (contact info for each campus is below).
The COVID-19 vaccine was added in May 2021 to the student health clearance requirements that already required a TB clearance and immunizations for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) and tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis and varicella. Meningococcal conjugate vaccinations are also required for first-year students living in on-campus housing.
Whether you still need to get vaccinated or are going to request an exemption, please plan ahead so you will be able to register for the spring 2022 courses that you need or want. If you have any questions, email
Mahalo for your time and attention on this matter and best wishes this semester.
Hae Okimoto
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
September 10, 2021 Testing Policy & Cleaning Guidelines Updated
Aloha UH ‘ohana,
The COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy and Interim COVID-19 Guidelines for the University of Hawaiʻi’s 10 campuses have been updated to include a second COVID-19 testing option and additional guidance for reopening spaces impacted by a positive case as explained below.
Rapid Antigen Testing
A Rapid Antigen Test result report provided by a Department of Health or health care facility will now be accepted for unvaccinated students and employees who require regular testing to be on campus. The results are valid for three calendar days following the test date. The PCR test is the preferred option and is valid for seven calendar days following the test date. UH provides free PCR testing at 24 locations across the state and will also accept test results from a state approved lab facility.
The testing option for unvaccinated students is only available for the fall 2021 semester. Effective January 3, 2022, students must be fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus or receive a university approved medical or religious exemption, as part of the UH Student Health Clearance Requirements. Those receiving exemptions will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result weekly.
The update is in section D of the Vaccination and Testing Policy.
Reopening impacted spaces
If more than 24 hours have passed since a positive COVID-19 case was last in a space (classroom, office, etc.), campuses may reopen a space after routine cleaning. This update is consistent with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance and is based on clear evidence that surfaces are not a major mode of transmission. The option was added to the UH Interim COVID-19 Guidelines in the “Institutional Safety Practices” section under “Campus Responsibilities to Clean and Disinfect …”
Student resident surveillance testing
Students living on campus may be required to submit to additional surveillance testing when COVID-19 cases arise. The update is in section A of the Vaccination and Testing Policy.
Guidelines and policy updates
The interim guidelines and vaccination and testing policy will continue to be revised based on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic and latest county, state and federal guidance. The updates reflect the current pandemic conditions and were made in consultation with the UH President COVID-19 Team and the UH Health and Well-Being working group, made up of UH medical and public health experts.
Mahalo for following the COVID-19 guidelines and policies. They are intended to make our campus environments as safe as possible as learning, teaching and campus operations continue.
The Office of the Vice President for Administration
The Office of the Vice President for Technology