Member must have access to a personal computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device with camera and microphone capabilities. *

Member must use legal name, no “code name” (e.g., junior boy, eastside guy, etc.) and login to the select class.

Member must not record, screen shot, or share any class content on any social media platform or by any other means without prior consent.

Member is to join the class session prior to the start of class. (15-20 minutes prior is recommended).

Member must enable the “video camera” function in Zoom and be dressed in appropriate attire (clothing is required) in view of the camera for the duration of the class. Wearing sunglasses is not allowed during the class.

Members must adjust for background lighting throughout the course of the class so that a well-lit face is viewable and not to appear as a silhouette.

Member must refrain from using inappropriate backgrounds during the online training (e.g., Offensive Content: Photos, Pictures, Phrases, Zoom Background Screens, etc.)   

Member must set aside the time and space at their residence/location to allow for uninterrupted attendance for the purpose of the select training class.

Member must not be operating a motor vehicle or be in a moving vehicle during online class session as this is both a liability and is distracting to the instructor and other students in the class.

Member’s microphone will be disabled during the class unless activated by the Instructor, Host or Co-Host for interactive participation as needed. 

*Member must have adequate access to the internet.  The internet cost and/or any internet connection issues are the responsibility of the member.

Revised 05/05/2022