Hawaii Electricians Apprenticeship Program

Distance Learning Policy

Apprenticeship Program Standards Section 12(C)

An apprentice shall attend related instruction classes only in the county in which he or she is indentured. An exception may be granted to an apprentice for extenuating circumstances by the JAC.

Alternative methods of curriculum delivery and/or Joint Apprenticeship Committee meetings may be used in the event of, but not limited to, a County, State or National emergency, shutdown, proclamation, environmental disaster, epidemic, pandemic, health or safety emergency.

Extenuating circumstances granted by the JAC for alternative methods of curriculum delivery (distance learning):

1. If the learning institute (i.e., University campus, Training Center) closes due to a County, State or National emergency, mandate, shutdown, proclamation, environmental disaster, epidemic, pandemic, health or safety emergency.

2. If an apprentice’s class is scheduled to be in-person on the college campus, and if, due to COVID-19 illness or if related to COVID-19 illness, exposure, isolation, quarantine, pending test results, an apprentice is unable to attend in-person classes, the apprentice may be allowed to attend class via Zoom for a specified period provided one of the below is submitted to the Apprenticeship Coordinator:

a. A positive COVID-19 test result or a doctor’s note confirming the positive, or suspected positive, COVID-19 test result.

b. A doctor’s note stipulating the dates of which the apprentice is unable to attend class in-person and the reason related to COVID-19.

An apprentice who qualifies for this circumstance can return to in-person classes on the college campus 11-days after the positive COVID-19 test result in accordance with the college’s requirements (subject to change by the college). In the other situations where the apprentice does not have a confirmed COVID-19 positive test, the apprentice can return to in-person classes on college campus with a doctor’s clearance note or by providing evidence of a negative COVID-19 test.


Any apprentice with an approved exemption (medical/religious) from the college may request to attend class by Zoom.

Any hands-on lab that is required for the apprentice to be on campus will follow the college on-campus protocols.

3. If the instructor is unable to meet with the class in-person and has obtained the Apprenticeship Coordinator’s approval to hold the class via Zoom.

4. If the apprentice is required to work on a neighbor island in an emergency situation, the apprentice may be allowed to attend their apprenticeship classes via Zoom. Under this provision, the apprentice’s employer must ensure that the apprentice has sufficient internet access and a device that supports the Zoom platform. Section III(N) under the Rules and Regulations would apply.

a. Section III(N): An apprentice may be allowed to work on a neighboring island when school is in session, only in an emergency situation. The employer shall obtain the Apprenticeship Coordinator’s approval for such work at least one (1) week prior to the apprentice leaving the island. An apprentice with poor attendance or grades shall be ineligible for neighbor island work. Both employer and employee shall allow ample time to arrive to class on time.

5. If, due to apprentice count, instructor or geographical limitations, the county that the apprentice is in is unable to provide related instructional required classes, then the apprentice may be assigned to join a similar class via Zoom.

By entering your name below, you acknowledge receipt of the Apprenticeship Program’s “Distance Learning Policy (REV 08-17-21)”.